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“A Man called Ove” by Fredrick Backman

“People said Ove saw the world in black and white, But she was as color. All the color he had.”
– Fredrick Backman, A man called Ove
Ove is a grumpy man on the exterior but if one peel through the outer layer, they will find a loveable man, one who is staunch on his principles and has come to become bitter in life due to the loneliness and sadness that surrounds him.
What happens when a chatty couple moves next door and tries to strike a friendship with our cranky old man.
The story is packed with all the emotions, sadness, heartbreak, laughter, the joy of an unexpected friendship and the innate bond of selflessness.
It highlights the sorrows of losing a loved one, the constant melancholy that reminds one of the loss, and the isolation that eats you up.
Adjourned with beautiful metaphors, the humour, and witty narrative makes an impression on you, even while discussing sombre or depressing topics.
What really stands out is the relationship between Sonja and Ove, their marriage, their relationship, their heart-rending love even when the two people were at the opposite end of the spectrum.
“Ove had never been asked how he lived before he met her. But if anyone had asked him, he would have answered that he didn’t.”
A highly recommended warm and fuzzy read, one that is sure to make you laugh and cry at the same time.
Genre: fiction, contemporary, humour, swedish, adult-fiction
Reading difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐/5