About me


Hi there!

Thank you for coming to my blog and taking out time to listen (rather read), to my bookish ramblings!
I am Pooja. I am a software engineer by profession and have a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology.

One might be wondering, what does a person from technical background, having to do with a book blog? Well, I have always been passionate about reading even as a kid. So when finally I was a bit settled in life, and could afford all the books that I ever wanted :D, I thought of taking this hobby a bit further.

What to expect here?

This space is mostly for reviews of the books that I read. Occasionally, I will be talking about my journey of reading, the books that I have loved and my reading habits in an attempt to inspire others to read better. So expect a lot of bookish mumbo-jumbo!

Apart from enjoying my comfort reads, I love finding new genres and new authors.
A book nerd at heart, I can talk about books anytime and anywhere!

I am always on the lookout for good book recommendations and people who share the same passion for books as me, so I would love to connect with people with similar interest.

Thank you for stopping by!